Overall Solution Support


Overall Solution Support:

LANDXES is committed to the research and application of membrane products such as DTRO, DTNF, STRO, and STNF, focusing on zero discharge solutions for industrial wastewater, municipal wastewater, and seawater desalination. We are customer-centric, providing cost-effective mainstream technologies and mature processes. Through a comprehensive engineering management system, we help you reduce water treatment costs and improve economic benefits. Our professional skills and meticulous services have won the trust of many customers, and we have rich engineering experience worldwide.

We provide comprehensive industrial high salt wastewater treatment services, including consulting, design, procurement, construction, and after-sales, constantly innovating technology, and accumulating practical experience. In the fields of leachate treatment, zero discharge of industrial wastewater, and desalination, we adopt advanced technologies such as landfill and incineration plant leachate treatment, zero discharge, biogas slurry resource utilization, and marine/naval seawater desalination devices.

The company team has accumulated a wealth of experience in process design and engineering practice in technology research and development, system integration, and engineering contracting. Our business mainly focuses on metal surface treatment wastewater, machining wastewater, landfill leachate, industrial high salt water, chemical wastewater, cutting emulsion wastewater, soil remediation engineering, electrical and self-control fields.

The special membrane products provided by LANDXES include but are not limited to reverse osmosis membranes, nanofiltration membranes, ultrafiltration membranes, etc; Provide process consulting services related to special membranes, including membrane process selection, membrane system design, membrane component configuration, etc; Provide engineering design services, including overall design of membrane treatment systems, system integration, equipment layout, etc; Provide equipment procurement services, inclu