Corporate Social Responsibility Of LANDXES


Corporate Social Responsibility:​

As a specialized membrane technology research and development company, how can LANDXES help solve ecological and social problems? Can economic success interact positively with social values and interests? The approach of LANDXES can be summarized as follows: Corporate benefits are social benefits.

LANDXES bears significant responsibilities to humanity and the environment. Our corporate activities reflect this sense of responsibility. Safety, environmental protection, social responsibility, quality, and business efficiency are all key corporate goals of LANDXES.

We integrate corporate social responsibility into all aspects of our company’s operations, including using renewable raw material resources, adopting optimized production processes to minimize environmental impact, continuously improving health, safety, and environmental performance, and developing environmentally friendly products and solutions. 

Climate Neutrality 2040:​

We hope to become a climate neutral enterprise before 2040. To achieve this goal, we have developed a clear strategy and initiated the first batch of major projects. Guided by the new goals, we will continue to strive on the basis of successfully fulfilling our commitment to climate protection. However, it is difficult to achieve climate neutrality solely on our own. We need political support.

Climate Neutrality: Urgent​

The Paris Climate Agreement stipulates that the global average temperature rise will be limited to within 2 degrees Celsius to reduce adverse effects on humans and the environment. The earlier we take action, the more ways we can address climate change. This is why LANDXES is committed to achieving this climate goal and fulfilling his responsibilities seriously.

Climate Neutrality Means:​

Significantly reduce the company’s own emissions,

Only purchase ultra-low emission or climate neutral energy,

By 2040, reduce emissions from 3.2 million tons to below 300000 tons,

And neutralize these remaining emissions through compensation measures.

Clean water, nourishing the future:

With the continuous deterioration of water environment, water resource protection has become a global concern. It not only affects the survival crisis faced by humanity, but also an important issue to ensure sustainable social development. In 2015, the United Nations included “clean water and sanitation” as Goal 6 in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).